Classics of Organizational Behavior:  by Walter E. Natemeyer, Paul  Hersey
633 pages, $66.95 list
Classics of Organizational Behavior
Fourth Edition
In the practice of management the human element has evolved, developed, and expanded just as swiftly as industry and technology. The behavioral sciences are an integral part of the field of management, and the professional literature in this discipline has proliferated. Over multiple editions Classics of Organizational Behavior has acquainted the reader with the most outstanding writings on this subject in the last 100 years. Now, within this vast body of knowledge contributing editors Walter Natemeyer and Paul Hersey combine their experience and skills to provide the most discerning and thorough look at this field.

Classics of Organizational Behavior provides a wide exposure of analysis, including the genesis of organizational behavior, the links between motivation and performance, a discussion of interpersonal and group behaviors, the nuances of leadership and power and influence, how to increase leadership skills and organizational effectiveness, and the interplay between organizations, work processes, and people. The fourth edition is greatly expanded by 18 additional selections that have profoundly changed management thinking and practice into the twenty-first century.
“I am very pleased with the updating of this book. The new ‘classics’ add quite a lot to bring this material in line with twenty-first century practices.” — Roland E. Livingston, Colorado Technical University

“Excellent selection of articles. An outstanding supplement to any traditional OB text that will provide students a ‘roots view’ of the field.” — Kevin Lowe, University of North Carolina

“I have used the Third Edition for years. I am pleased that most, if not all, of my favorite readings carried over into the Fourth Edition. It is a wonderful source for students to be able to read classic authors’ original works.” — Ronald Lindahl, Alabama State University

“An extensive selection of classics and leading current articles in the area of organizational behavior, enhanced by perceptive summary essays introducing each section of this collection.” — James Gazell, San Diego State University

“The book really lives up to its title—‘Classics.’ I think it is terrific.” — Mitchell Rothstein, University of Western Ontario

“An excellent sample of the best articles available in the field. These articles will always be relevant. They help young students become aware of the important signals and messages in order to effectively deal with people.” — Richard Benedetto, Merrimack College

“It is enlightening for students to read the original works that are quoted and referenced in so many textbooks.” — James Liati, Montclair State University

“The authors’ integration of current concepts, concise style, and matrix guide make this book an excellent resource.” — Irwin Talbot, St. Peter's College

“An excellent resource for business students at all levels. It is one of the few texts that students will keep long term and makes a perfect supplement to pedagogical texts (where those are necessary) or a collection of cases.” — Jim Lyttle, Long Island College

“This is an excellent work that provides a thorough and fundamental understanding of organizational behavior from its earliest concepts and seminal writers and theorists to a number of the modern-day thinkers and practitioners.” — Michael E. Scheuerman, Drexel University

“Other ‘classics’ have some of the ‘oldies and goodies’ mixed into less timeless offerings, but this book has ’em all, with not a loser added.” — Daniel P. Chamberlin, Regent University

“Focused, timely, and relevant to today’s fast-changing environment.” — Roy Baker, Austin Peay University

“Seminal thoughts in one complete collection.” — Robert Wolter, Indiana University–Purdue University, Indianapolis

“The classics remind us why we teach management. What an incredible collection.” — Luis Ortiz, New Mexico Highlands University

“A valuable teaching resource for my MBA students as well as an insightful reminder of the value of firsthand knowledge of sources for myself!” — John B. Stark, California State University, Bakersfield
Table of Contents
1. The Principles of Scientific Management (Frederick Winslow Taylor)
2. The Giving of Orders (Mark Parker Follett)
3. The Hawthorne Experiments (Fritz J. Roethlisberger)
4. Overcoming Resistance to Change (Lester Coch and John R. P. French, Jr.)
5. The Human Side of Enterprise (Douglas M. McGregor)

1. A Theory of Human Motivation (Abraham H. Maslow)
2. Achievement Motivation (David C. McClelland)
3. One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? (Frederick Herzberg)
4. Existence, Relatedness, and Growth Model (Clayton P. Alderfer)
5. Expectancy Theory (John P. Campbell, Marvin D. Dunnette, Edward E. Lawler, III, and Karl E. Weick Jr.)
6. On the Folly of Rewarding A, While Hoping for B (Steven Kerr)
7. Goal Setting—A Motivational Technique That Works (Gary P. Latham and Edwin A. Locke)

1. Cosmopolitans and Locals (Alvin W. Gouldner)
2. Assets and Liabilities in Group Decision Making (Norman R. F. Maier)
3. Origins of Group Dynamics (Dorwin Cartwright and Alvin Zander)
4. Group and Intergroup Relationships (Edgar H. Schein)
5. Groupthink (Irving L. Janis)
6. Transactional Analysis (Muriel James and Dorothy Jongeward)
7. The Johari Window (Jay Hall)
8. The Abilene Paradox: The Management of Agreement (Jerry B. Harvey)
9. Stages of Group Development (Bruce W. Tuckman and Mary Ann C. Jensen)
10. Self-Directed Work Teams (Ralph Stayer)

1. The Managerial Grid (Robert Blake and Jane Mouton)
2. How to Choose a Leadership Pattern (Robert Tannenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt)
3. Leadership Decision Making (Victor H. Vroom and Arthur G. Jago)
4. One Minute Management (Kenneth H. Blanchard)
5. Fundamental Leadership Practices (James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner)
6. Management and Leadership (John P. Kotter)
7. Servant Leadership (Robert K. Greenleaf)
8. Situational Leadership (Paul Hersey)
9. Crucibles of Leadership (Warren G. Bennis and Robert J. Thomas)

1. Is It Better to Be Loved of Feared? (Niccolo Machiavelli)
2. The Bases of Social Power (John R. P. French, Jr. and Bertram Raven)
3. Position Power and Personal Power (Amitai Etzioni)
4. Who Gets Power—and How They Hold on to It (Gerald R. Salancik and Jeffrey Pfeffer)
5. The Power of Leadership (James MacGregor Burns)
6. Situational Leadership and Power (Paul Hersey and Walter E. Natemeyer)

1. Bureaucracy (Max Weber)
2. The Individual and the Organization (Chris Argyris)
3. Mechanistic and Organic Systems (Tom Burns and G. M. Stalker)
4. Management Systems 1–4 (Rensis Likert)
5. Management by Objectives (George S. Odiorne)
6. Differentiation and Integration (Paul R. Lawrence and Jay W. Lorsch)
7. What's Missing in MBO? (Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard)
8. Reengineering Work Processes (Michael Hammer and James Champy)

1. Skills of an Effective Administrator (Robert L. Katz)
2. Leadership Effectiveness Can Be Learned (Peter F. Drucker)
3. Organization Development (Wendell French)
4. In Search of Excellence (Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman)
5. The Learning Organization (Peter M. Senge)
6. Competing for the Future (Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad)
7. Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)
8. The Level 5 Leader (Jim Collins)
9. Feedforward (Marshall Goldsmith)